Make sure your company is continuously improving.
Intertek product quality control protects the brand and company reputation. Intertek can check your ordered items at any factory in the world. Before and during the manufacturing process, and just before shipping, we guarantee the quality of your products.
Do the products you manufacture comply with the required national regulations or the required international standards requirements? The factory makes products under your brand name. If something goes wrong there, the image can be damaged. Intertek can perform independent third-party inspections. In addition, Intertek can test products in one of our laboratories.
– Make sure to produce according to requirements, all legal requirements, and international standard requirements.
– Please make sure your product is safe before shipping.
– Reduce customer complaints from non-standard products.
– Avoid shipping delays.
Intertek offers a wide range of quality tests.
Pre-Manufacturing Inspection
During the pre-manufacturing stage, Intertek inspects the raw materials that are processed into the final product. After receiving the product sample, check if the factory has ordered the correct basic materials. In the manufacturing process, we check semi-finished products and keep track of qualitative progress. Upon request, we can provide technical advice to the factory to raise the production quality to a higher level. If any discrepancies are found, check if they have been fixed and if the delivery contains defective products.
Production Control
After 10-15% of production is manufactured, check for errors and defects. Deviations can be recognized at the right time, allowing you to adjust production. Upon request, we advise on corrective actions and ensure product and quality uniformity across production batches. If deviations are found, perform a check to ensure that the deviations are not included in the final delivery.
Random check when goods are ready
When production is complete and all goods are ready to ship, you can randomly select and check the items:
– Correct quantity,
– function,
– color,
– Product safety inspection,
– Correct package,
– Whether it meets requirements, legal requirements, and standard requirements.
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Loading Monitoring
The inspector can closely monitor the product for careful loading. The inspector will check that the correct quantity, caution, and handling of the remaining cargo are proceeding smoothly. Finally, the inspector closes the container with a security seal. This is evidence that the item was loaded as intended and then no third party visited your item.
On-site management
The following on-site management can be performed at all stages from prototyping to product loading.
– Barcode check,
– Check the grounding of electrical products.
– HiPot control,
– Check the power consumption,
– When the check is turned on,
– Friction control,
– Packaging and tape inspection,
– Packaging and impact control.