Squirrels are small rodents with many predators, which means they must be aware and alert of their environment. But what about looking? Why do wild squirrels look at you? If you understand this behavior, you can tell what they are trying to communicate.

Why do squirrels look at you?

Squirrels may look at people for various reasons, but most of the time out of fear, curiosity, a food source. All animals have the instinct to look, whether or not they are in captivity or the wild.

It can be scary to see a squirrel staring at you in the garden, but it generally means that it is unsure of its surroundings and is trying to protect itself. If you want them out of your property, you can contact squirrel removal houston.

To better understand this squirrel’s behavior, you need to understand its body language better. This will tell you how you feel.

Squirrels and Stares

While most squirrels run away when they see you leave, sometimes a brave squirrel doesn’t run away and instead turns around and stares at you while continuing to eat. Several other reasons why a squirrel stares at a human, and we will discuss these in more detail.


When a squirrel is new to your yard, you may not be familiar with its regular routines. Squirrels that come to the feeder regularly may know that you are hanging out on your back deck and in your everyday routine. They can sit and look at you to see if you are a threat.


Squirrels are curious animals by nature, and when they hear you make sounds like them, they stare at you or come to you to investigate.

You may have seen a lot of videos about people feeding wild squirrels, and the chances are that you have gained confidence in a squirrel over time.


These rodents are at the bottom of the food chain and are hunted by birds, coyotes, raccoons, weasels, etc. There are many animals that squirrels eat. Some people hunt them for food and exercise.

This means that they must keep an eye on their surroundings to ensure their safety.


A squirrel may be taught where to find food, especially if given a place to eat. If they suddenly run out of food after feeding, they can sit there and look at you without moving or blinking. This look is probably a begging look, much like a hungry dog and looking for a feed.

Understanding the stare of squirrels

To better understand the gaze of squirrels, it is necessary to observe the body language that accompanies the gaze. These are some of the different signs to watch for to help determine what the wild squirrel is communicating. One thing to consider is the possibility that the squirrel is not staring but is sleeping.

Squirrels are a mammal that sleeps with their eyes open. While you sleep, our brain can still recognize danger. This can alert them to the need to wake up and flee if necessary. This ability is vital for their survival, especially since they tend to sleep a lot during the day.

They can last several minutes without blinking, especially when they feel in danger.  If you have noticed a squirrel on your balcony staring without blinking for ten minutes, it could be asleep.

What to do if the gaze becomes too strong

If a squirrel is sitting and looking at you and knowing that it is not sleeping, you should know that it may be trying to communicate with you. Most wild animals don’t go near humans, and squirrels are different. Some stare at a person and even approach them, especially if they feel comfortable. Squirrels make a wide variety of sounds with different meanings; in addition to screeching and whining, they can appear to scold you.
